Sunday, September 27, 2009


I'm either going to have to figure out a better time to do the core sleep, or stick with shorter naps. It's still a problem for me to get up and stay up from the core sleep without feeling really tired. Last night, I woke up from it and was so tired and sore and down that I didn't feel like doing anything, so I just took another nap shortly after waking. I think part of the problem might be staying in bed. It could also be that, even though I think I'm inclined to be polyphasic, I'm still not getting the most out of my naps because I haven't been doing it for long and am still wavering on finding the best schedule for me. The solution is to pick something and stick with it for a few weeks and see how it suits me.

I have three options:
1) put the core sleep at a different time, maybe dawn, so that waking up from it isn't so hard,
2) stick with the schedule that I made up (with the help of my best friend) that sounded good to me, napping 4 times a day for one hour,
3) go with something that's considered tried & true, like Uberman.

I'm reluctant to do #3 because I know I have days when I'm guaranteed to miss a nap, and on other days, I have a frustrating lack of control over my schedule that will probably make me miss a lot of my naps. If I were a free person living alone and setting my own schedule, I'd probably have no problem with it, but I'm not. If someone in my household wants me to do something at a certain time, I have to do it, or risk social unrest.

Number 2 would be my preference, because I feel like the one-hour nap time is an optimal one that allows me plenty of time to get to sleep and (I hope) get through all of my sleep cycles. I don't doubt that Uberman works for others, but I am still skeptical about whether it is adequate resting time. Also, my friend has been encouraging of me to try forgoing the core sleep, saying that I should be able to handle it, and if it's a problem, then just stop.

I've been really hesitant to give up a longer sleep period, for fear that I'll be missing out on some essential sleep cycle, but the goal of my experiment was to give something different a proper try in order to empirically see for myself which system was better. I'm going to remember that.

So, my goal now is to try one week of doing nothing but one-hour naps, 4 times a day. There will be one day a week when I know I won't be able to do that, but for the others, I have a good probability of getting my naps at least close to the strategically scheduled times. After a week, I'll evaluate whether I want to keep going with this option or try another. If I fail to get my naps, feel that either the schedule or the napping is not working for me on the long-term, and I'm too tired, I'll switch to having a short nap at night followed by a foredawn core-sleep of about 3 hours, and see how that suits me.

Since everyone gives a name to their sleeping schedule, I've elected to just call my schedule "Quad," as I can't think of anything better. Tonight is the first night of strictly keeping to it, and I'll start updating on how it goes from here.

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